
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Coming of AGM

Years of serving in ICF on committee has come to an end. Was asked to write an AGM report but i've been procrastinating .. haha.. ever the last person who send in reports .. sorry Jan ... ya well .. i've always dislike writing reports especially lab reports ... anyway ..that's another story.Two years of serving on committee has been a great journey for me.As a freshman in Uni i'm so blessed to find a place where i feel belongs to.The cliche saying of ICF as "home away from home" has actually expressed my simple but yet pure feelings towards ICF.I'll always miss the times when we had committee retreat in Raumati Beach - the alcohol ,choco fondue, grabble, Aik Win n his dodgy words from grabble, Jan n her butter, Leesha n her licking the choco fondue pot, Esther n her alcohol (=p), James n his song I AM COW last but not least - KAREN LAU n her KAREN LAU song ( she loves the song aye ??)
What about me ??? hmmmmm ... i think it'll be ching n the committee :>

After some times of procrastinating here comes my AGM report -----
It has been an amazing journey for me to serve in committee for another year. No longer the silly girl sitting there saying nothing during committee meeting.(while.. sometimes I do just sit there and ponder over nothing =p ) But ICF has become something special in my heart. God has place one important thing called- MISSION through ICF into my heart.
ICF has always been my support in life. The anticipation of meeting with my fellow brothers and sisters every Friday night is great. I’ve always have things to look forward to like Easter camp, conference, ski trip and conference again =p.
God is amazing enough to tell me that I don’t have to be perfect or full of experience to serve Him. God seek for availability but not ability. As long as people have a willing heart, our almighty God is able to use and transform that person. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
Through out this year I’ve learnt a lot about myself and God. I’ve learnt that I’m no superman( I mean superwoman =p ) , but God is still willing to use the imperfect me to reach out to His creations. I’ve learnt that my love for the people around me is not enough as I’m a selfish person, but God is so merciful that He did not smite me but loves me. I’ve learnt that it’s always hard to meet people’s expectation, but God told me never to impress people but to live for Him alone. I’ve learnt that making decisions is difficult, but God said it’s ok to make mistake and what He has done on the cross is enough. I’ve learnt that I love mission, I would love to be a missionary in the future, and God is willing to give me a bigger dream if I rely on Him but not on my own strength.
A Christian life is a journey with God which will never end. Though I might leave ICF one day but the things that God has planted into my heart through ICF will stay forever.

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2
-------THE END------

The end is just the end of serving as a committee but not the end serving as a servant of God :>

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


我学会了等待,等待着主那最完美的时机, 因为我可以信托那替我死的救主!!

心里有许多莫名的气,气自己,气父母,气朋友,也气上帝!!气上帝为什么让不美好的事情发生?为什么让我走那么艰难的路? 为什么生活里有那么多烦恼?长大了以后才知道原来人生中有许多事情是没有对与错的。那如果没有对与错,人要怎么选择呢?人问题的所在就是在于怕做错选择,怕负责任。在Aunkland的TSCF conference 里我学会了一样足以改变我人生的道理。原来我做错选择也没有关系。咦?为什么呢?因为上帝知道这世上没有人是完美的,错了后只要来到上帝的面前认错,上帝会原谅你的。到了审判日时,人类会回顾自己的错处在上帝的面前流泪,可是上帝对基督徒的回应将是:“我的孩子,我在十字架上流的宝血已足够了。”

以前的我总以为自己很了不起, 现在的我顿悟到了人类的无能。就因为自己所谓的“智慧”给自己添了许多麻烦。可是如果上帝是拥有世上所有权柄的万王之王,万主之主,为什么他不及时控制我呢?原来上帝给了人类选择的权利,人类跟机器人是不同的!话说回来,难道至高无上的上帝没有权力制止不愉快的事情发生吗?圣经里耶利米书22:19记载- 耶 和 华 说 , 我 知 道 我 向 你 们 所 怀 的 意 念 是 赐 平 安 的 意 念 , 不 是 降 灾 祸 的 意 念 , 要 叫 你 们 末 后 有 指 望 。 不管多么不愉快的事发生,一定要记得上帝有他那美好的旨意。

korean song

The kiamaians' present for esther n lusi n ying kiat --- the three bears song from full house... check out mel n mel at the back ... can't believe the two cool guys dancing n singing!!!!Go mel Go!!!Aza Aza fighting!!

Anna playing violin

My cousin anna playing the violin :>