An incident that happened today-
my phone died in the afternoon( out off battery), i can't contact my aunt to tell her to meet at 校园书坊。 The only solution is to recharge my phone!! But how?? If i'm in welly or kl -- no solution. But in taiwan- when there's a will there's a way!!! I was actually a bit worry in the first place but i do know ppl can charge their phone in public places, but i've never experience it in real life . Told my fren that maybe i should pray about it coz we can't find anywhere to recharge. Right after praying, heard him saying "啊!!!那里!!"at Last we've found it!! Thank you God!!!God u r awesome!!! seven!! I love u!!!Outside 7-11 ----- 手机充电,3个步骤,10分钟!!!seven真是应有尽有!!最后我的手机复活了!!This will only happen in taiwan!!!
All in all i had a fun day !!! We talked a lot a lot today , talk about what we've done in highschool---
1. all then names that we gave teachers: malay teacher- 奶奶, 办主任陈健汉-doraemon, physic teacher-阿杜
2.how naughty we r during April Full - we changed class with 高三理二
3.The naughty things that we did in class- 上课时传纸条,跟隔壁同学也要传!!zha dao!!跟老师顶嘴,考试作弊,抄功课。。。。数也数不尽!!
5。运动会-最爽的一天,因为不用上课!!在stadium merdeka 混!
i had a great day not because of how fun taipei is, it's because i enjoyed going out with my highschool mate, it's because i enjoyed talking about highschool life!!
Special thanks to 忠廷 who took me around!!N bought me 章鱼烧,锅贴和甜不辣!!