I was so close to death
I nearly died on friday. What happened was that i hurt my thumb playing basketball that day. Got back home feeling very sick i guess i caught a cold or something like that coz i've been walking in the rain lately. I was boiling my hand warmer in a pot of water n completely forgot about it. Two of my flatties went to bed and so do i. The next thing i knew was ppl waking me up from my sleep n saying the kitchen was on fire. What happened was that my the other flatmate- Esther Yap came home with a fren called Justin. When they were outside the house in the car they heard smoke alarm beeping . Esther opened the door n saw heaps of smoke in the house. They woke my other flatmate up n Justin rushed to the kitchen straight away. They found the pot on fire, the fire was about 0.5m tall. Justin rushed to the toilet n grabbed a towel , soaked it with water n put out the fire. Then they came n woke me up. Everyone who was in the house couldn't hear the smoke alarm , i just can't believe it coz normally when ppl come back home i'll be able to hear the door open n close . I think it's coz of the smoke that made us sleep or i should say faint. Anyway, everyone was shocked but we prayed together at the end in the living room. Praising God n giving thanks to Him for saving our life coz if Esther n Justin didn't come back home on time we will all die coz the bottle or oil was just beside the fire, huge explosion might happen.The timing was just perfect. N also, during day time justin actually came across this paper about fire blanket in his work place. It's definately God that planned to save us. God is great. It's more significant to me that i'm still able to breath here coz of Jesus, He saved me :> i'm more than willing to dedicate my life to Him coz the life i have is actually HIS :> n also i've learnt to be more cautious next time.